Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Turkish Cooking: Lesson 1 - the Turkish Omelet

I'm hoping to use this website to provide you not only with lots and lots of useless information about my life, but also with interesting and educational content.  Things that you can use, things you can do.  Things that might just change your life... or at least your day a little bit. 
So today I thought I'd share some of the delicious foods I make here in Turkey, that way you can surprise your family by making them in your own kitchen.   Kind of like "Turkish cuisine for the American" or "Cooking Turkish Food for Dummies"  Not that I think anyone is a dummy. 

The first recipe I'd like to share is a Turkish Omelet.  Let's get started, shall we?

Step 1.   Wash your eggs.

No, I don't have chickens nesting on my balcony, and I didn't go visit a farm to get these eggs.  These are straight from the supermarket down the street.  This is how they come around here.  Beauties, aren't they?  Sometimes I'm lucky and get a batch with feathers stuck all over them too.

Step 2.  Proceed with your omelet preparation as you normally would in America....  

The End.

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