Friday, 29 February 2008

Old Ruins

Turkey is neat.

Something you may not know about Turkey is that it has approximately 546,378,002 more historical sites than the United States. Take, for instance the amazing cave churches and networks of underground cities of Cappadocia, or the Hittite ruins about a 20 minute drive from our house (of course, that's not so old. Just the 18th century B.C.). I'm not exaggerating when I say that there is impressive old stuff all over the place around here. And I don't mean old as in Laura Ingles Wilder's house is old, and impressive as in the California Missions are impressive. I mean ancient history, miles of marble columns and walkways, looking at the things you just read about in the Bible (Old and New Testament!) old and impressive.

So, we get lots of chances to bum around and look at old stuff. Every time we do it I wish I could remember the things I learned in history classes growing up a bit better. This week we went on a quick trip to ancient Ephesus with some friends.

I like ruins.
I like messing with archeologists. I take big chunks of marble and move them all around. It makes it harder to reconstruct things. Hee hee hee.

This is the stadium mentioned in Acts 19. Can't you almost see it filled with people angry at Paul and shouting, "Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!" You can't tell from this picture, but it's HUGE, it can seat something like 20,000 people! And it's in great condition. Elton John did a concert in it a few years ago.

Can you believe the houses in this town had running water and flush toilets 2000 years ago! Wow those guys were smart back then!

So, who's ready to come visit us?

1 comment:

Brian and Jen said...

Just finally catching up on your blog. It's so fun to read, you do such a great job. And it's so fun because I can identify with much of what you talk about. I remember visiting Ephesus several times. And the time we ordered plain cheese pizza (we didn't want the tomato slices on top) and we got crust and cheese. :) And I remember the millions of layers! We ran into some of our Turkish friends when we were in Germany and Natalie was just a few months old. They were so appalled that she didn't have 20 layers and socks and booties and blankets. She actually went and brought me a knitted sweater for her to put on right then! So funny! Anyway, I'm still in awe about your email story. Thanks for sharing!